Aquarium Plants
At ECOAquariums we specialize in aquatic plants and planted aquariums. We have all the knowledge you need to know on how to make your plants thrive. We also carry a large variety of high quality plants and have everything you need to be successful. Plants add to the health of your fish by improving the water quality and giving the fish places to hide. They are also fun, relaxing, beautiful to look at and most importantly very easy.
Our Specialties
We Specialize in high-quality African Cichlids and other freshwater tropical fish including different crustaceans/critters such as shrimp snails and crayfish.
Cichlids from both Lake Malawi and Lake Tanzania are some of the most colorful, interesting, and easy fish to keep. They come in various shapes and sizes and are an excellent fish for both beginner or experienced hobbyists. We keep a wide variety of show male Peacocks and Haps, several different species of Mubuna and some different species from Lake Tanzania such Trophues, Julidochrimis and Catfish that do well with these African fish.
Come check out our wide variety of high quality African Cichlids!
Community Fish
Community fish are non-aggressive species that can share an aquarium peacefully.
African Cichlids
African Cichlids are some of the most colourful and beautiful freshwater fish. They can reach impressive sizes and are ideal for a large show tank.
Central/South American Cichlids
Central/South American Cichlids are best housed in a cichlid-only aquarium as they may eat other fish and may become aggressive when trying to breed.
Plants & Aquascaping
Aquascaping has become quite popular. Underwater gardening, using a variety of plants, creates a natural, aesthetically-pleasing look for your home or office.